-Our only goal is to protect everything that belongs to you. 
-Expert and experienced staff 
Security services, one of the main axes of management services, are provided by Yüksel Özel Güvenlik Hizmetleri A.Ş., our founding partner. Since 2004, Yüksel Özel Güvenlik Hizmetleri A.Ş. has transferred its knowledge and experience stemming from its leading position in the sector to Yüksel Yönetim Hizmetleri A.Ş. uses for. The company carries out all management and training operations from its head office in Ankara; In addition to its regional directorates, it provides security services to international companies in Central Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. 
Yüksel Security, which adopts the principle of ensuring your safety and satisfaction at the highest level; provides Foreign Security Services abroad as well as Public Institutions and Organizations, Shopping Centers, Industrial and Production Facilities, Housing and Site Security in the country. Yüksel Security, whose personnel consists of experienced specialists who have worked devotedly for many years in the Special Forces of our Turkish Armed Forces, "SAS, SAT units of Turkish Navy, Army Commando Units", Protection Battalions, and various units of our Police Department, has always adopted the principle of combining experience with technological knowledge. 
The fact that we receive security services from Turkey's leading brand in the fields of Security Project Design and Risk Analysis, Personnel Security, VIP Security, Electronic Security, Cyber Security, and Critical Facility Security gives us great strength. 
Our Security Processes
Before creating the security service you need, possible risk assessments are made and we present the results and evaluations to you in a report.
• Facility Security Risk Analysis• Facility Civil Defense Plans • Civil Defense Organization • Shelter Plan • Equipment List • Evacuation Plan • Fire/Earthquake Instruction • Fire Service • Rescue and First Aid Service • Procedures to Resist Assault and Sabotage 
Our Services You Need in Integrated Facility Management 
• Personnel Security and Patrol 
• Camera Surveillance and Control 
• Standard Patrol and Point Security 
• Protection Against Sabotage, Assault, and Robbery 
• Sensitive Area Security and Protection 
• VIP Security and Protection 
• Mobile Surveillance (Roaming Surveillance) 
• Reception (Visitor Welcome) 
• Transporting Money, Valuable Documents, and Valuables 
• Audit and Consultancy 
Note: For detailed information about Yüksel Özel Güvenlik Hizmetleri A.Ş. , you can visit www.yukselguvenlik.com.